Panorama Glass Lodge

Um okkur

Panorama Glass Lodge er fjölskyldurekið fyrirtæki

Við erum ung fjölskylda á Selfossi (upphaflega frá Sviss og Þýskalandi) sem fengum þá hugmynd árið 2015 að búa til einstakan og rómantískan áfangastað á Íslandi þar sem hægt væri að fá tækifæri til að horfa á Norðurljósin uppi í rúmi eða í notalegum potti.

Þannig kom hugmyndin að Panorama Glass Lodge. Húsin okkar voru þau fyrstu sinnar tegundar á Íslandi (árið 2017) þar sem hægt var að sofa undir glerþaki. Til dagsins í dag eru glerhúsin okkar mjög vinsæl gistirými og svo sannarlega með besta útsýnið.

Sabrina and Andreas Dedler, owner of Panorama Glass Lodge

Okkur fannst mikilvægt að gestir okkar fengju dásamlega og notalega upplifun í algjöru næði þar sem náttúra Íslands fengi að njóta sín í kring. Við ákváðum þess vegna að byggja fáein hús á stóru svæði í staðinn fyrir fleiri hús á minna svæði og gera þannig upplifun gesta einstaka.

Þó að húsin okkar séu staðsett utan alfaraleiðar úti í náttúrunni geta gestir okkar samt sem áður upplifað lúxus, góðrar hönnunar og gæða.

Gerð húsanna fær innblástur frá skandinavískum húsum þar sem sambland tréverks, glers og stáls gera húsin okkar einstök. Innréttingar og bygging er sérsmíðuð frá frá grunni og mikið lagt í smáatriði. Við berum virðingu fyrir náttúrunni og notum aðeins byggingarefni sem skaða umhverfi okkar sem minnst. Íslenska vatnið er eitt það hreinasta í heiminum og hrein uppspretta þess aldrei langt frá, jafnvel næsta árspræna.

Við bjóðum gestum okkar upp á vörur frá Sóley, sem er umhverfisvænt vörumerki.

Húsin okkar voru upphaflega hugsuð sem rómantískur áfangastaður fyrir pör og nýgifta en þegar við fengum umfjöllun hjá tímaritum eins og Maxim, The Telegraph, Harper's Bazaar, ELLE, Dwell, Süddeutsche Zeitung og mörgum fleirum (sjá flipann Fjölmiðlar) hafði margt fólk samband sem vildi koma og upplifa umhverfið og taka myndir úr rúmi með útsýni.

Litla fyrirtækið okkar varð mjög vinsælt á stuttum tíma og nú geta gestir okkar notið þess að koma og gista hjá okkur og verið í nálægt við margar helstu náttúruperlur Suðurlands eins og Landmannalaugar svo eitthvað sé nefnt.

Í júlí 2023 vígðum við þrjú ný hús á Vesturlandi, nálægt Akranesi með útsýni yfir sjó og til fjalla. Á Vesturlandi er fjölskylduhýsið okkar, Frigg, sem er með svefnrými fyrir allt að fimm manns.

Samstarfsaðilar okkar hjá Æera Nord í Noregi eru svo með þrjú Panorama Glass hús í smíðum nálægt Tromsø og stefna á að opna 2024.

Á hvorugum staðnum eru starfsmenn og það er ekki móttaka.

Teymið okkar samanstendur af ungu og metnaðarfullu fólki sem koma hvaðanæva að og tala ýmis tungumál. Við hlökkum til að taka á móti ykkur!

Panorama Glass Lodge® er skráð vörumerki.

northern lights at panorama glass lodge west

Teymið okkar

Sabrina Dedler, owner and CEO of Panorama Glass Lodge Iceland


Stofnandi & CEO / Markaðsstjóri

With a passion for Icelandic nature and a keen eye for design, Sabrina discovered the Panorama Glass Lodges in a dream, and now works tirelessly to make it a reality and a paradise for all of her guests.

Outside of the Panorama Glass Lodge, Sabrina also runs a successful makeup and hair artist business specialising in weddings, and is a renowned local professional. In addition, she also co-owns and runs the Hair & Makeup agency Iceland.

Sabrina loves all kind of art and uses every minute of her free time to create art – structured paintings of Icelands landscapes are her favourite.

Andreas Dedler, COO Panorama Glass Lodge


Stofnandi & COO / Tækniaðstoð & Viðhald

Covering everything from operations to handyman, constructions, maintenance, franchising and finance, Andreas leaves no stone unturned to provide guests with incredible experience and great service and helping out if there is any need for help. He makes sure everything runs smoothly and is holding monthly meetings with every employee.

Andreas likes doing sports regularly, it keeps him fit for all the outdoor works at the Lodges.
And as a father of two boys, you can be sure he always has his hands full!
Stania Stainerova



Stania ensures that all of the lodges are cozy and comfortable, and has a great eye for detail and aesthetics . She likes to share her massage skills and bringing some warmth through Thai massage in her own studio in south Iceland. She learnt the traditional Thai massage in Thailand and has travelled all across asian countries.

Stania is a big plant and animal lover and loves to spend time out in her garden and taking trips through nature with her dog. Stania also makes the best organic Tempeh in Iceland and we all love to order Tempeh from her!



Facility & environmental manager

Originally from South Africa, Hugh’s passion for the outdoors led him to our incredible shores, where you can always find him out and about exploring new adventural terrains or another geothermal pool. 

Not only is Hugh an incredibly attentive facilities manager, but he is also a qualified high school teacher and speaks a whopping 5 languages. He also has a technical background in Environmental & Geographic Sciences.

Hugh keeps our west location site smoothly running and takes care of the property. He is always happy to also help guests with any requests.




Iceland’s natural and diverse beauty tempted Carolina to settle here and move over from far away Brazil. She loves to go on long walks and let herself surprise by the enchanting nature of Iceland, while listening to good music.

Carolina is also a qualified kindergarten teacher and likes to read poetry and is always up for a warm cup of tea :).

She ensures that all lodges are ready and comfortable for our guests. Being outdoors all day and enjoy the lovely view while walking between the Lodges or preparing them inside, makes her day perfect.




Þjónusta & Ræstingar

Katrín is an Icelandic sheep farmer who likes to listens to stories. She loves a good crime thriller but doesn’t have the time to sit down and read a book – so she listens to them.

Katrín is really funny, but also shy, so not a lot of people get to see that side of her. The little things in life are the ones that matter the most to Katrín. She has the world’s worst sheep dog – he tries to herd the sheeps for her but he is happiest inside, preferably in her lap. Her house is full of kids and animals, so there is never a dull moment.

Katrín is taking care of customer service & bookings and is also doing housekeeping in the Lodges.


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Environmental Policy Statement

As an environmentally sustainable business, we are committed to reducing the impact of our company’s operations on the environment. With effective policies in place we provide a safe, healthful workplace, protecting the environment, conserving energy and natural resources. Our goal is to promote sustainability and achieve environmental awareness at all levels of our company.

Contact Us To Buy Franchising Rights

We sell our franchising rights internationally. Get in touch to learn more about starting your own Panorama Glass Lodge business in your country.

Panorama Glass Lodge ehf.

Austurkrókur 1, 851 Hella

Hafnarland Lísuborgir, 301 Akranes

+354 42 11 2 77 (MO-FR / 9-17 GMT)

We will reply to your request in latest 48hours, during weekends it might take a bit longer. Thank you for your patience.